How to Ventilate Your Garage
4 Easy Ways to Improve Garage Ventilation

It smacks you in the face, doesn’t it? That uncomfortably warm air, that sticky odour that has you desperate to step back out into the fresh air.
A garage with little-to-no ventilation soon makes you forget that this is supposed to be a valued part of your home.
And poor garage ventilation is a problem for many reasons – not only because it makes the garage uncomfortable to be in – but because it breeds condensation and dirties the air with pollutants, fumes, and chemicals.
If you are to the make the most out of your garage (and your home), you must know how to ventilate your garage.
In this guide, we discuss why garage ventilation is important and give you 4 ways to introduce airflow at a low-cost:
- Why is Garage Ventilation Important?
- 4 Ways on How to Ventilate a Garage
- Quick Summary
Why is Garage Ventilation Important?
Garage ventilation is important for a number of reasons.
Firstly, and although you wouldn’t think it, garage ventilation is important because it is a health and safety risk for you and your family.
On top of that, a unventilated garage is simply an uncomfortable and unwelcoming environment.
Let’s go through the specific reasons on why you need to introduce more airflow to your garage.
1. It Keeps Your Garage Cool in the Summer
No matter how you use your garage – whether it’s for storage, homeworking, or DIY – the last thing you want on a hot summer day is to operate in a stuffy garage.
Not only is it uncomfortable, but it stops you from enjoying the moment and doing what you love.
Introducing efficient airflow keeps the garage at a reasonable temperature so you can crack on in comfort.
2. It Reduces Condensation in the Winter
The underlying cause of garage roof condensation is a difference in temperature between the inside and outside of the garage.
And when it gets to winter, warm air trapped inside the garage rises up. This warm air interacts with the cold roof surface, leading to excess moisture that turns from water vapour to liquid.
The result is often water dripping from the roof onto your belongings.
Garage ventilation allows the garage to breathe and circulate any excess moisture, reducing the chance of severe condensation issues.
3. It Reduces the Risk of Fire
Without any cool air, a stuffed-up garage may provoke combustible liquids held in storage and cause a fire.
Keeping your garage at a suitable temperature reduces this risk.
4. It Promotes Cleaner Air & Removes Harmful Pollutants
Here in the UK, the garage is commonly used as a place to park our cars or house appliances like a fridge freezer or washing machine.
The problem with electricals and cars is that they emit a lot of fumes and chemicals that dirty the air over time.
And without proper airflow, there is nothing to circulate these harmful pollutants out.
Garage ventilation introduces a natural flow of clean air, removing pollutants and making your garage a much healthier environment to be in.
5. It Prevents Mould Growth
Mould thrives in damp, humid environments like an unventilated garage.
Without proper airflow, damp will build up in the corners and ceiling of your garage and inevitably lead to mould.
This is why we recommend ventilating your garage as soon as possible to prevent mould growth.

Mould on Garage Window

Mould on Garage Roof
Get a Quote for an Opening Garage Window
Like-for-like replacements or new installations. Get a quote for a garage window today.
How to Ventilate Your Garage
The best way to ventilate your garage and keep it cool is to introduce natural points of airflow through windows, vents, doors, or airbricks. Quick installations like floor and ceiling fans also work to keep your garage well ventilated.
Let’s breakdown four of the best methods to ventilating your garage:
1. Open the Garage Window
Opening a garage window is the easiest way to bring fresh air into the garage quickly and clear it out.
If you don’t have one, you can install a garage window with an opener on a garage using a uPVC or garage refurbishment company.
2. Open a Garage Door or Side Door
Doors, just like windows, are a simple solution to ventilating your garage. Simply open up the garage door or keep the garage side doors ajar to instantly improve airflow.
However, the problem with leaving the windows & garage doors open is that it may be a security risk, especially if you’re not inside the garage at the time.

Opening Garage Window

Garage Side Door
3. Fit a Vent
One method of garage ventilation that’s less of a security risk is fitting a vent, and there are a number of different vents you can fit to provide a flow of fresh air to your garage.
For example, breather vents are designed for flat roofs with the goal of improving airflow and reducing moisture build-up. They might look a bit funny, but they do the job.
Soffit vents are made to use with traditional fascia boards which line the outside of the garage roof.
Roof tile vents slot right into your garage roofing panels to extract the rising hot air inside the garage.
You can also install airbricks which slot into brick-built garage walls. The perforated holes allow air to flow naturally with the outside breeze. They are incredibly versatile and cost effective.

Garage Soffitt Vent

Roof Tile Vent
4. Install a Fan
Just like a conservatory, a simple floor or ceiling fan can be all it takes to regulate air flow throughout your garage. These are even more effective when leaving open a window or garage door.
Alternatively, you can look to install purpose-made through-the-wall ventilation fans or exhaust fans. Both can be find online at Amazon and other suppliers at good prices.
Proper ventilation of the garage is important not just because it makes every part of your home more comfortable, but because a lack-of can be detrimental to your health over time.
And let’s face it, no one wants a bunged-up, stuffy old garage.
With these very simple methods, you can quickly introduce airflow to your garage and eradicate the problems with comfort, smell, and health.
Opening Times:
9:00am – 5:30pm Monday to Friday